Back in the day, our founders were knee-deep in nonprofit events and fundraisers, armed with clipboards and stacks of paper bidding sheets. It was the norm—in-person silent auctions, scribbled bids, and a lot of hoping for the best. Those paper bid sheets have been a trusty sidekick for countless events, but it’s time to be real: they’re a bit like that old, reliable but outdated smartphone. Sure, they get the job done, but there’s a whole new world of efficiency and excitement waiting to be explored.

Furthermore, if you’re using paper bid sheets, chances are you’re running the other key aspects of your event (ticketing and registration, check-in, etc.) with an inconvenient mix of Excel spreadsheets or patched together software solutions, which comes with its own set of issues. Why stick with tradition when mobile bidding offers a slicker, smarter way to boost your fundraising game? In this guide, we’ll cover the basics of silent auction bid sheets and explain exactly why their time to shine has passed—and what the future holds.
Alright, we get it—sometimes you just can't let go of that paper charm. If you're set on using silent auction bid sheets, we've got you covered with the best top-notch template out there. But let's be honest, mobile bidding is where the magic really happens.

Just fill out the form below to grab your printable silent auction bid sheet template.
What is a Silent Auction Bid Sheet?
A silent auction bid sheet is your classic tool for bidding wars on silent auction items. Picture clipboards set in front of each auction item with stacks of formatted paper. It’s where bidders jot down their offers, hoping to snag that must-have item before the clock runs out. Nonprofits, schools, and event organizers typically use these sheets to keep the action moving without the need for a fast-talking auctioneer.
How do Silent Auction Bid Sheets Work?
Silent auction bid sheets work like this: The auction organizers create a silent auction table set-up, placing blank bid sheets next to each item, which list the item name and value. As a bidder, you write your name and bid amount on the sheet, then cross your fingers.
But here’s the catch—you’ve got to keep circling back to physically check if someone’s outbid you. Meanwhile, organizers and volunteers manage silent auction bids by monitoring the sheets and making sure everything runs smoothly (i.e., checking that no one placed a bid incorrectly or ignored bidding rules). In the end, the highest bid wins, and the winner gets to take home the prize. It’s a bit of a race, but on paper!

What to Include in Your Silent Auction Bid Sheets
Ready to make your silent auction bid sheets as effective as possible? Here’s what you need to include on each sheet to keep everything organized and smooth:
- Name of the item/item description: Clearly state what’s up for grabs and provide a brief description. This helps bidders know exactly what they're eyeing.
- Auction item number: Assign a unique number to each item for easy reference and tracking. This helps both bidders and organizers quickly identify items.
- Item value: List the estimated fair market value (FMV) of the item. It sets a baseline for bids and gives bidders an idea of what they’re competing for.
- Bid increment: Specify the minimum amount by which each bid must increase, for example, by $5 or $20. This keeps the bidding competitive and fair.
- Starting bid amount: Set the initial bid amount to get the auction rolling. It’s the starting point for bidding and helps generate interest.
- A table for recording bids: Include columns for the paddle ID number (or bidder number), bidder name, and bid amount. This keeps track of who’s bidding and how much, ensuring a smooth and organized process.
While not mandatory, you might also want to add your organization or school’s branding, the name and date of the event, and your mission statement. These elements can add a little extra pizzazz and remind guests why they’re here—to support your organization.
For a silent auction bid sheet that covers all these bases, don’t forget to grab our free template download. It's got every section you need to make your silent auction a success!
Drawbacks of Paper Silent Auction Sheets
Even if it’s what you’re used to, keep in mind that running a silent auction with paper bid sheets has significant drawbacks. For example, we’ve seen paper bid sheets lead to:
- Poor bidding experiences: Picture long lines at auction tables, people needing to interrupt their nights to continuously revisit auction tables and see if they’re winning or losing items, forgetting which items they bid on, difficulty reading other bidders’ handwriting, etc.
- Disorderly auctions: Some bidders might walk away with bid sheets to ensure they win auction items, intimidate other bidders (seriously, we’ve seen this), steal pens and pencils, ignore bid increments, place bids with fake paddle numbers or names, have illegible handwriting, crowd around tables at the last minute, or try to bid after an auction has been closed.
- Inefficient check-in and registration: Long lines, the hassle of manually recording guest details, and the chance of errors are all part of the paper and pen check-in experience. It’s time-consuming and can leave guests frustrated, especially when they’re eager to start bidding. With manual check-in, you risk delays and inaccuracies, making for a less-than-smooth start to your event.
- Frantic, labor-intensive check-out processes: With paper silent auction bid sheets, you end up scrambling around at the end of the auction to collect or track down bid sheets, manually going through them to figure out who won each item, creating flip charts to announce winners, and manually generating invoices.
- Lost donor revenue: Guests not knowing when they’ve been outbid, not returning to auction tables to bid again (even when they’d have been willing to pay more for an item), and not being able to contact the highest bidders on certain items at the end of an event to secure payment all lead to lost revenue.
- Uncollected winnings: Guests might prefer to go home instead of waiting after the event while you tabulate winners, generate invoices, and process payments—leaving you with the unwanted situation of having to take home a lot of items, deliver them over the next several weeks, and chase down payments.
These issues cause more than just a few headaches during silent auction events—they severely limit an organization’s ability to raise funds for their cause. If you want to host successful fundraising auctions that engage guests, raise more funds, and reduce everyone’s stress, it’s time to leave paper bid sheets behind.
Best Alternative to Paper Silent Auction Bid Sheets: Mobile Bidding
Mobile bidding is revolutionizing the way silent auctions are managed. If you made it this far, you know that we are passionate about making this experience as seamless as possible and are not fans of paper and pen. Instead of relying on paper bid sheets, which require constant physical tracking and can lead to disorganization, mobile bidding leverages advanced silent auction software to streamline the entire process.
A mobile bidding application is a digital tool that allows participants to place and track their bids through their smartphones or tablets. This technology is embedded in silent auction software, offering a seamless and interactive platform for both bidders and event organizers.
For event planners, mobile bidding simplifies and streamlines auction management. Instead of dealing with paper bid sheets, which require constant updating and can lead to errors, mobile bidding lets you manage bids in real-time. This software automatically updates bid amounts, tracks participant activity, and ensures a smooth and efficient auction process.
Bidders love it too—no more constantly running back to the table to check if they’ve been outbid or squinting at barely legible handwriting. Instead, they’ll get notifications right away when someone outbids them.
And let’s not forget about boosting your fundraising revenue; mobile bidding makes it easier for people to place higher bids and keeps them engaged throughout the event. With features like instant notifications and real-time updates, bidders are more likely to stay engaged and participate in bidding wars, leading to greater overall success for your auction event. And that’s just the beginning of mobile bidding’s benefits. This tool also provides:
Simpler Registration and Check-In
When you use silent auction software instead of bid sheets, there’s no need to export your guest list into a spreadsheet in order to manually track and manage your list.
Once registered, guest data is automatically logged into a guest list management system where event organizers have access to a variety of different tools, providing the ability to:
- View and filter their guest list
- Check-in guests with a built-in QR code reader
- Send notifications and reminders to guests and sponsors
- Assign paddle and table numbers

Once the day of an event comes around, a lot of the leg work of check-in has already been done. So, instead of needing to capture all of this information manually as the line grows longer, you can simply greet these guests (hand them a cocktail, if you wish), tell them their table number, and hand or assign them a paddle if there’s a live auction or paddle raise at your event.
No Lines or Messy Handwriting
With mobile bidding, gone are the days of long lines and deciphering messy handwriting. Guests can place bids anytime, anywhere—no need to wait at the auction table or struggle with penmanship. They can easily browse all the items on their screens, view detailed descriptions, and place bids on their desired items with just a few taps. This convenience not only speeds up the bidding process but also makes it far more enjoyable and efficient for everyone involved.

Plus, mobile apps provide a more seamless browsing and bidding process compared to navigating online bidding through mobile web browsers. They also have the advantage of providing accessibility features for older users who rely on increased font sizes or contrast on their devices.
Drives More Auction Revenue

The benefits of running your silent auction on a mobile bidding platform are infinite, but one of the most important ones is the ability to earn more fundraising revenue. Mobile bidding helps you earn more by:
- Opening up bidding before your in-person event. Traditionally, a silent auction run on paper can only begin once guests arrive at the venue. With Handbid, you can open your silent auction prior to your in-person event, allowing more time for driving auction engagement and revenue.
- Letting people who can’t attend your live event participate in your auction. Handbid allows donors to place bids online, so people who can’t make the event can still bid and donate in your auction! More people bidding and donating means more revenue for your cause.
- Ensuring bid amounts follow set increments. With Handbid, people can’t ignore minimum bid increments like they can (and often do) with paper silent auction bid sheets. The system will only let them bid if they follow the minimum raise, so auction managers no longer have to deal with this issue (or the losses in revenue that result from it).
- Leveraging “Buy Now” options to drive immediate revenue. This feature allows guests to purchase items on the spot for a designated price, securing donation revenue and eliminating the risk that the item goes for less than its retail value during the auction.
- Automatically sending real-time push notifications. Handbid’s mobile bidding gives you the ability to send bidding updates to auction participants in real-time, without the need to manually send outbid notifications via text message or email (which are less reliable, require a good cellular connection, and disrupt auction engagement by pulling participants out of the auction app).
- Gamifying the auction to drive more bidding and revenue. Mobile bidding apps can leverage game mechanics to foster more engagement—which can generate significant increases in auction revenue compared to paper bid sheets or static web pages. For example, the Handbid app uses countdown timers, live thermometers, leaderboards, and more to gamify the bidding experience.
Seamless Check-Out and Payment Processing
Once you decide to close the auction, you can set a timer for guests to place their final bids (meaning no one can cheat by penciling in a bid after time runs out!). At that point, Handbid will calculate winners, update everyone’s dashboard accordingly, and send notifications to winning bidders letting them know they’ve officially won.
Finally, to streamline the check-out process, all bidders are automatically sent to their digital invoice in the app where they can view and pay with their previously stored “card on file”. Invoices can also be sent via text or email and include a link where winners can pay.

Choose Handbid Instead of Outdated Silent Auction Bid Sheets
Beyond what we’ve covered on mobile bidding, Handbid’s user-friendly auction platform includes additional tools for live auction events, paddle raises, hybrid events, online silent auctions, peer-to-peer campaigns, and general giving campaigns, offering a holistic online fundraising platform for private schools, sports teams, nonprofits, and other organizations looking to hit their fundraising goals.
Both our product and customer support teams deeply understand the needs of organizations hosting fundraising events because we have extensive experience running events and charity auctions ourselves. Believe us when we say that the time for silent auction bid sheets is over and the era of mobile bidding is here.
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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

- Numbered list
- Numbered list 2
- Numbered list 3
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