Handbid team

Our Team

Get to know the
folks who help your
BIDDERS have the time
of their lives

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Jeff Porter
Co-Founder & CEO

Jeff is no stranger to fundraising events, having participated in them for over 25 years. He ran his first fundraiser in 2005 and has managed over 50 auction events and fundraisers for his own charities, not to mention hundreds more with Handbid. Jeff has been involved in technical product and software development since 1996 and has built and managed mobile app solutions since 2008. When it became clear that he and his wife, Kari Porter, needed a better solution for their fundraisers, developing a mobile bidding app was a no-brainer. The result? Jeff and his wife Kari developed and launched Handbid in 2011. The rest is what they call “history”.

Kari Porter
Co-Founder & COO

Kari probably has more auction management experience than anybody at Handbid, having managed her first auction for her son’s preschool in 2004. Back then, there were paper bid sheets, and “card on file” meant a carbon of your credit card stored in a manilla folder — yikes! When the Porters got started with their own fundraisers in 2005, Kari knew just what to do! Prior to being a full time mom, Kari was a software developer working for enterprises like American Management Systems and Sybase. After their daughter was born with Prader-Willi syndrome in 2002, Kari shifted gears to focusing on the house and kids. But that did not stop Jeff and Kari from starting up a charity in 2004 and running auction events. After helping start Handbid in 2011, Kari became “full time” in 2015. Leveraging her computer science background, Kari quickly helped complete and launch a new version of the platform. She also focused on automating most of the company’s operations, allowing it to remain lean and mean. Today, the team still refers to Kari as the “wizard behind the curtain.”

Stefanie Mason
Director of Operations

Stefanie began her IT career at Pratt & Whitney. She also worked for the hospitality technology startup EZYield (now TravelClick). Later, after witnessing the positive impact of technology for her daughter, who suffers from a chronic illness, Stefanie went to work for Ava, a company that developed a live-captioning solution for deaf and hard-of-hearing people. These experiences left Stefanie with a passion for the causes she believes in, which led her to Handbid. Here, she helps lots of people raise more money for lots of important causes! At Handbid, Stefanie enjoys helping clear a path toward success for clients and teammates from behind the scenes. She finds helping clients host better events to be immensely rewarding. When she isn’t hard at work at Handbid, you can find Stefanie indulging her guiltiest pleasure: watching reality TV!

Elise Druckenmiller
Director of Sales and Partnerships

After traveling with Jeff and Kari to their kids’ gymnastics meets for years, Elise witnessed hundreds of service calls and thought, “I can do this!” With five years of event experience under her belt, Elise collaborates with the Handbid team and clients to bring charities’ visions to life. She loves helping nonprofits raise money for great causes! Elise enjoys watching clients engage their audience through gamification and deliver an exceptional guest experience. She also delights in the fact that Handbid was designed by fundraisers, for fundraisers. The team voted Elise the most likely Handbid staff member to win the Hunger Games. Why? Because her 4’10” frame can fit into the smallest of spaces!

Lori Makkai
Director of Marketing

Lori has worked hundreds events since joining Handbid in 2018. For Lori, the best part about working at Handbid is building a relationship with clients and helping them run a successful event from start to finish. Lori brings a sense of hospitality and understanding that helps every auction event run smoothly. Voted by the Handbid team as the coworker we’d most rather be stranded on a deserted island with… because she always knows exactly what to do! When she isn’t coaching clients, you can find Lori at the gym, playing in the women’s golf league, or cheering for her family during their various extracurricular sporting and music activities.

Elise Neugebauer
Client Services Manager

Elise found out about Handbid when she hired us for one of her charity fundraisers. After working as a staff person for a direct competitor, she saw the advantages of the Handbid platform and decided to join the team! Elise has worked as an on-site expert for hundreds of fundraising events. She has also organized and managed dozens of events for various nonprofit organizations in which she’s involved. Elise enjoys knowing that her everyday work has a positive impact on the world. Every Handbid client is working hard to make a difference, and nonprofit organizations simply warm her heart.

Inga Veiss
Client Services Manager

Inga joined Handbid after working in the commercial auction space. She is also a seasoned auctioneer. Inga prides herself in really getting to know our clients and their specific needs and enjoys the entire process of the client journey. When not at Handbid, she enjoys a great yoga class and spending time with her husband and son! The team voted Inga as the best laugh and greatest energy. She is our energizer bunny!

Shania Hallock
Account Executive

Shania brings a wealth of experience in community management and special education to her role as an account executive at Handbid. Her dedication is not only evident in her professional endeavors but also in her active involvement in supporting charities like the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) and local firefighter initiatives. Outside of her career, Shania finds joy in managing her ranch, caring for beef cows, creating intricate leatherwork, and enjoying moments of relaxation with a refreshing mojito.

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